Family, farms and getting fat

As you might or might not know, the past weekend was Easter Weekend. There are public holidays galore — okay, there are two of them. Whatever. — and that means that people can have a jol. Ordinarily, though, this means very little to me. Why? Because I’ve worked every Easter Weekend for the last six years (being a journo can be tough…).

This year, though, it was different. I took leave — SHOCK! HORROR! — and spent the weekend with my family in the Swartberg at Tedding Adventure Farm, which is owned by Brad and Ronelle, friends of my brother’s (they’re lovely people, and this is a lovely place. You really should check it out).

We spent some time quad biking, fly fishing (well, my eldest brother, Andrew, did, anyway — check out his blog, Another Word For It…), sitting around the fire, talking, hiding Easter eggs for the young ‘uns, going for a run (more on that a little later, but suffice to say my legs are still sore thanks to altitude and kak-loads of hills), playing garden cricket, hosting a Murder Mystery in the on-site pub, playing Call of Duty (blame the three teenagers — and me, the oldest “child”), and other such tomfoolery.

Oh, and I ate a lot. Like, lots and lots. Chocolate. Bread. Sweets. Easter Eggs. You name it, I ate it.

It was a rocking weekend.

If you are so inclined, check out the pics below.

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